Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lyric tees by Balm

I was so excited to come home today to my new tee from this amazing designer I found on IG, Balm. You can find the page on Instagram @_balm_ and be sure to check out their shop, link is in the ig profile. Or you can visit http://www.balm.bigcartel.com

My first order was a cute black muscle tank with Neil Young song lyrics, Searchin for a heart of gold. Reminded me of my dad so had to order. Neil Young was someone he listened to often when I was little. I love to hold on to and cherish all memories of my father who passed away 14 years ago this April. Love you daddy. Xoxo

Then came home today to this amazing Smiths lyric tee, I love. There is a light that never goes out...

And if a double decker bus crashes into us.... Love the Smith's and this song. Something about graphic tees and ones with lyrics to songs, forget about it, best combo ever. Couldn't be happier with my tee and tank. Make great new additions to my collection. Balm is based out of Utah, all the tee and tanks are handmade. You can get distressed tees and tanks or just regular style. The tees are light weight and super soft. She has some super cute designs and they are very unique. I always love to support the small business owner being that I am underway and have been for some time on starting my own business. I have been working hard this year to get everything in order then took this styling job to learn more about curating and styling boutiques, catalogs and photo shoots. I am super excited to launch my business this summer. Took me awhile to get the funds and some investors. I have had so many ideas and know that once I get started I won't be able to be stopped. I love home decor and fashion so much it is a true passion, throw in my love for designing, photography and working with others I think it will be a great adventure. I am not releasing any details online due to some issues I have had with two girls and don't want any shade thrown on my business adventure or ideas stolen. I will just say watch out world cause this mama is driven and determined to be successful. I have so many amazing ideas and have gotten to network with some amazing people in the local fashion industry these passed few months with my job with the styling firm so this is going to be awesome...

Off to bed took the day off tomorrow to volunteer at my little ones school. She is excited cause I haven't gotten to spend as much time as I usually do at the school since I have been taking classes earlier in the school year then working since the new year. It was so hard to give my notice at work but excited to work on my own business along with spending the summer with my kids. I am a true stay at home mom, being with my children is my love and passion. They will always come first above all things but I do need to follow my dreams also. 

Good night all and hope your week is fabulous. ✌️❤️

PS posted this and the lurking copy cat already updated her bio to add a new line figures I mention my business and now she has a new business venture that is basically the same idea as what I have been talking about with my family and friends for two years and working on seriously for a year. I mean it's not exact but part of it. Can't keep anything to my self and can't go without being copied with anything. Kicking myself for even mentioning it but I know I have a great support system, partners, and investors that all believe in my ideas and passion so it will be amazing just hate to have to go through the entire competing thing with everything I do. I can't win lol. But I will in the end because I am determined 100%

1 comment:

  1. Love these tee shirts, checking the Instagram page now going to have to order that Smiths shirt awesome. Great find
