
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pam&Gela, Blonde Vs. Brunette tank

Hello everyone as you can see I am still playing around with my layout for my blog. I didn't have much time the passed two days to sit for a couple hours and try to get everything exactly how I wanted. I liked the white with blue accents but like someone mentioned it really isn't me or my style a little to plain for my liking. I started messing around last night when I woke up at in the middle of the night and set it to the style I have now but it will most likely still get some tweaking. As for the comments left about having difficulty leaving comments, I have no idea why it is so hard for some. I use my iPhone 80% of the time and I am able to leave comments and answer back comments no problem but I don't know exactly what issues are making it difficult. I am going to message Google blogspot again about the issue and I will take down some of the security features I have in place due to a couple people who seem to think its fun to leave rude comments here. I would never go on someone's blog and write mean comments but than again I am not immature and hurtful, or spiteful. I am really sorry it is difficult for some of you and I promise I will try to get it fixed soon. For now wanted to share today's ootd by Pam&Gela and Silver Jeans. 

My exclusive Pam&Gela 20% off promo link

I got this tank recently on sale on the Pam&Gela site and my Silver jeans were sent to me by Silver. I was allowed to pick out a pair for their winter campaign being an ambassador for their brand. I love being an ambassador for Silver Jeans because I have loved their jeans for over a decade and really stand behind the quality of the brand. All their jeans are amazing quality and fit. I am beyond honored they chose me to become an ambassador. I love representing different designers, brands and boutiques, I am always looking for new ones to work with and love those that have been supportive to me always. It means so much. 

Here to can see the jeans a little more along with my Steve Madden boots and Bohemian Vibe Boutique fringe tote. This tote was once of the best purchase I made this summer during their Christmas in July sale when they had everything 50% off. They had contacted me while I was in Texas to work with them and it was a joy along with the super cute items I got from them. They are currently revamping and restocking their site and I think they have some big plans for 2016. Can't wait to see. 

My necklace is from Buckle.com and is a two layer necklace with a crescent moon then an arrowhead with crystals and a stone. It is a favorite of mine and was on sale for under $10 when I got it. It's always those sale items or deals I find that I love the share. Really I love to share everything with everyone who is interested because I know some people must think I spend a fortune on my wardrobe but I am super tight with my money and make sure I have a budget when I shop. I see a lot of cute clothes on blogs, social media and in shops online but a large percentage of the time I resort to googling or hitting eBay before I take the plunge and spend money. I have found so many of the exact same items I saw in a store online or on a blog for a fraction of the price by searching. It's amazing and feels so good to save. 

I am off to finish up some weekend holiday stuff but wanted to take a moment to share with you. I know I am super excited about a few new things coming up for the new year. I reactivated my FB page so I can start to use that to share promotions and sales from stores or designers I love. Then I got a message on eBay from a local shop I found that I have been doing business with for over a year that want to collaborate with me when they relaunch their website which I am over the moon about. It is always fun to find local shops to work with. I also will have a lot more Silver jeans stuff coming up after the new year and some new photos. I am really dedicated to working more with local photographers and a makeup artist friend of mine for shoots for the blog. I had one scheduled and canceled due to the weather we had which was nothing but rain for a week. I hoped to reschedule but I have my Botox next week then my neurologist as well and my girls have their last day before winter break Friday. I hope to spend some quality time with them over that two weeks so may be putting a lot of my plans on hold till Jan. I promise it will be worth the wait for sure. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I am going to work on fixing the comments box. Again I do then security to protect myself from spam, negative and hateful comments as well as to monitor these comments. I am able to track every comment even if left anonymous and I do this for legal matters. To me there is no reason for anyone to leave negative comments on my blog I don't discuss controversial topics and I am never mean in my posts. I am sharing fashion photos, shopping tips, links and life style posts. I love to hear feedback but if someone doesn't like something why leave a mean or nasty comment? It isn't necessary. All that does is cause drama and I really only want good vibes. Life is too short for negativity and drama. 

Again have a great weekend and if you want to share I am always happy to help or listen. Xoxo 

Where to shop:

First pair of boots are closest to ones I have, the other two are similar styles by same designer, everything else is same except my one Alex and Ani has turquoise blue not green stones.


  1. Jealous love all your tee shirts especially the Pam Gela ones. New blog look is cool like it better than the plain white you had yesterday it had a very white and basic look, I know you want it to be more focus on your posts and photos but I agree with the person on prior post you are to colorful and bold to have all white. This is cool. I love the black with blue. Truly love your blog and your Instagram feed you always post amazing ootd and photos. Miss your old nature shots from your old Instagram was hoping you would start or continue to post your photography on that page you really are a excellent photographer.

    1. Thank you. I am always looking for tee shirts and love Pam & Gela so I am always keeping an eye out for their tees and tanks on sale. Thanks for the kind words. The layout is a work in progress still not 100% but like this one better. You don't have a lot of options and it's hard to customize so many codes. Thanks I am glad you like my blog and IG I will be posting again soon been so busy with work I haven't bad as much time for my photography but will be less busy after the holidays and working a lot more on my blog, photography and styling. Have a wonderful weekend and holiday watching the pay per view fight with hubby and friends xoxo
