
Friday, December 11, 2015

Layout Changes and Updates

Hello all just wanted to quickly post that I am changing my blogs look, had it set up for fall and was going to do a Christmas themed look but decided to try out a few different layouts and colors first. Sorry for the sudden and frequent changes but by the end of the weekend I should have something I really like set up. For now trying minimalistic approach. Not sure if I like it very plain. Earlier had black and red not sure but think I really like the black and red look best. May be changing back later tonight. Let me know what you think. 😘

Will also be changing my header want to add a feather graphic or my Cattle skull graphic from my side bar, business card that I posted a couple of months ago. Working to try to get it condensed down or shrink it to fit without blocking my blog description. Please be patient because between work and my kids I am busy. 

I also have new styled photos that I am collaborating with local photographers, makeup artists and hair stylists then many designers and shops as well as brands I work with as a brand rep or ambassador. 

Thank you for your patience and continued support always xoxo 


  1. The blog looks good all white simple, love it. I have really enjoyed watching you grow as a blogger the last two years. From your photos getting way better to you showing more of your own style, you have great style and really enjoy it. You really can work so many amazing looks and I personally think it is awesome. I am always in jeans or sweats. You're so inspiring. I can't wait to see what is in store for the 2016 I can see so many amazing changes in you and your blog along with social media, not just as if recent but it has been a couple years now that you have really started to show us more and more of yourself. Loving it. Happy holidays

    1. Thank you so much. Did you have a hard time commenting? I don't know if it is only from the mobile app or what. I have had so many people leave me emails and messages on my social media stating they had a hard time commenting. I apologize again and I have tried working on fixing that will try taking off some of the security for commenting again have had issues with one person leaving rude comments and I know exactly who it is but I only have it set up to send me the comments for pre approval before they are published. Thank you so much for all your kind words, I have been working hard to fix and update my blog so that it is easier to navigate and I am also working on better photos. As of now I take them myself don't have someone to take photos for me but working on a shoot for the blog had to cancel last weekend due to bad weather. Hoping next weekend to reschedule with my photographer friend and makeup artist friend. Makes me so happy to hear such great feed back and compliments. Have a great weekend and holiday. Xoxo

  2. I disagree and like the other layout better this just feels to minimal and cold. Your colorful and bold like your wild and crazy hair. This just feels like your trying to be something that your not. Only my personal opinion and love your style. But this is t your style. Your bold don't be vanilla. Wanted to 

    1. I am glad to hear your input, I had a black with red layout I had set up but was having trouble with the color of the font for the posts. I was looking at it myself and didn't care for the plain white either. I agree I like more color and I am a colorful person. I am still in the process of working on the layout that is why I left this post. I will be changing it again for now I left it minimal because I am trying to decide on a color scheme. Thank you for your input and again I am sorry you had a hard time commenting. I will continue to try to fix that and hope it gets easier. Thank you for taking the time to use your hubby's laptop and I am sure it was frustrating for you I am glad you still commented:). Have a great weekend and check back Sunday I should be done working on my layout hopefully you will like what I come up with. I don't have many choices with this app but I am thinking black and red or red background with some accents. Thanks for the compliments I am a bold person and not vanilla I personally don't care for stark white blogs but didn't feel it looks to plain since I added my favorite color blue for some pops. You're right it is kind of plain though lol. Have a great weekend xoxo

  3. also point out like others that it's almost impossible to comment on your blog. Had to sign in to my husbands laptop after an hour of trying on my phone. I'd focus more on fixing that then on the layout. Enjoy reading and you! ����

    1. So sorry unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about comments:(. I have tried even messaged blogger to see what was going on. I have it set up to moderate comments due to some issues I have with one person leaving rude comments here so it is suppose to go through my email for me to accept before being published. Other than that I am not sure why it is so hard? What happens when you try to comment that makes it so hard? I have never tried to comment from my phone accept to answer back and I have no issues. Like right now it just allows me to comment. I also know people have told me that they can not follow my blog accept through blog lovin site. I am going to message Google blogger again and see. If you could let me know what it is that makes it so hard. Is it the thing to check to make sure it isn't a computer? I know that it has some security check and someone told me sometimes you have to pick photos and it is impossible on the phone to see the photos and what's in them. Again I apologize I have had this blog for some time and not sure if maybe that has something to do with it also. Maybe I need to update something I don't know about. I am working on the commenting I love to hear comments and want it to be easier for others to comment hate to think I miss comments or messages because people can not comment. Have a great weekend
