
Fashion Features

Fashion Features Online
Social Media featured photos 

All photos taken by me and reposted by Designer or Brand

Why do I share features, I enjoy showing photos that were liked by others and shared on other sites. It is also a great example of how promoting and social media marketing can help promote a brand or shop, anytime one of my photos is re posted on social media it is seen by many and then some people will notice the other items I am wearing then be drawn to find out where they can find them.  It is amazing and it helps me with building a following, getting to meet new people and make new friends.  I am always beyond honored to be featured anywhere.  Thank you to everyone who has supported me, featured me and done collaborations with me.  I am always grateful for all the support and love to help promote all new brands, small businesses and designers whether well known or just starting.  Feel free to email me at Dlitefulcreations@ymail.com if you would like to collaborate or have me style any clothing, accessories, home design or review any products.  I will work from the heart to help anyway I can.  Peace and Love always xoxo

Spell and the Gypsy Styled on Insta Features on their website:

Many others I have not taken screen shots of, you can see some of my Spell online site reposts by clicking on the actual style on their website then scrolling down the part where they share as styled on Insta.  I usually am shared wearing all items I own by them,  This is a huge honor being one of my all time favorite brands for almost a decade now.

Shop Spell & the Gypsy Collective 
use my exclusive link to shop all my looks and more by Spell designs

Mahiya Leather feature on their blog of myself and an outfit I styled for my best friend for her birthday present

Link to blog post is:


Such an honor to not only have my own photo featured but to have Mahiya feature my amazing and gorgeous best friend wearing the outfit I styled for her for her birthday gift.  I was so happy she loved the outfit and then to have us featured side by side on the Mahiya Leather blog was such an amazing honor.  Thank you to Mahiya Leather and to my bestie Josyln.  XOXO

Instagram Features and ReGrams




Twitter Retweets:

There are more I miss or don't post because its multiples of the same images.  I always am honored for designers and brands to retweet and post my images. 



Retweet By Lindsay Perry different format

As you can see above I have had many features and these are only some of them.  I have left out a bunch and sometimes when I have free time I will grab a few of my recent features or regrams on Twitter, Instagram or FB to share here.  I want to show how when I post and tag products then they are featured or reposted how quickly all the items tagged in the photos are seen by others.  I am always waking up to my inbox filled with people asking me where I got that necklace, or those shoes etc.  It is a great advertising tool for small businesses and larger designer brands or labels as well.  I am not a blogger who charges outrageous fees for working with brands, please email me for my comp card, or I am always open to working in exchange for a product to sample for review or to style into my daily outfits then I will send you lots of photos every time I use or wear the piece or item, also will receive tags on all social media, and features with links on my blog.  My blog reaches hundreds to thousands of people daily all over the world.  I have a large following in many other countries as well as in the US.  Look forward to hearing from any and all types of brands.  My email is Dlitefulcreations@ymail.com,  check out my Twitter @Gypseawanderer and Instagram @cr8tivewanderlust.  Peace love and light always xoxo

Press and other features:

Coming soon links to guest blog spots and online photos of myself for brands I work with on their direct sites or social media pages 

Above are just a few of the recent retweets I have received.  I love to share my photos and tag the pieces I am wearing.

I have been retweeted and featured on Silver Jeans, Pam&Gela, Pravana and Olaplaex to name a few. I get many retweets from online shops and designers I post photos of myself wearing their items often.  I love to share my daily photos of my OOTD and styles.  I love to highlight and always wear or feature my favorite shops or designers.  

Coming soon...


  1. Congrats on all the awesome features! Saw your Alex and Ani regram today and was so excited for you, that blog post was awesome and those photos are gorgeous very well deserved. Excited to watch you continue to grow as a stylist and blogger. Best of luck in the new year, and happy holidays

  2. I love your fashion style, OMG been following you a couple of years now for home decor had no idea you use to share fashion too. You should totally share both you have such a great eye for style and design
