
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hair Slinky, Best Hair tie ever.

Hair Slinky



Hair Slinky 


Today I am bringing you my final review on the Hair Slinky. I was sent a sample of these amazing hair ties, and let me start off by saying I was skeptical sat first.  Over the years I have had many hair ties and accessories claiming to not break the hair or leave a crease/dent in the hair when using. I tried them but usually was disappointed. I always remain open minded when reviewing or trying a product and I want to make sure to put the products to the true test before giving my review on them. I did a review back when these first arrived but since have had more time to wear and use them these are now the only hair ties we use in our house.

Both myself and my oldest daughter have wavy hair that we both spend lots of time blow drying straight or flat ironing. If you spend time getting your hair straight like us then you know the pain of hot days and wanting to pull your hair back or up but that dreaded line or crease left by normal hair ties. You also know that you will do anything to keep your hair straight for as many days as possible, so sometimes you have to suffer being plain Jane with your hair down or not being able to pull it back without ruining the look. We both tried the Hair Slinky and were amazed that it did not leave the line or crease.  Now we can wear our hair half up/down, in a ponytail, or just pull it back to keep from sweating on a hot day which can also cause straight hair to become wavy or messed up.  Hair Slinky is a savior for our hair after blowing out straight and the only hair tie we use now.

My youngest daughter has curly hair, the tight ringlet style curls (think young Shirley Temple)  that make her hair tangle easy and hard to style. Usually her hair bands or hair ties end up tangled either breaking the hair or sometimes having to be cut out. With the Hair Slinky she now allows me to put hair up because she is no longer afraid or worried of the pain of removing the bands from her tangled hair.  They don't cause damage and she even likes to use them to put her own hair up to keep it out of her face when at school since she can easily remove them herself now that they don't become tangled like regular hair ties. 

My entire family loves these hair ties/bands, we all wear one around our wrist if not in our hair so we always have one on hand. I love to use them for throwing my hair up in a bun. I use to call it my messy or mom bun but with the Hair Slinky it is a nice bun, the spiral style of the band keeps all the hairs in place perfectly.  You can order your own at www.hairslinky.com. You can also follow them on Instagram @hairslinky and Facebook at www.facebook.com/hairslinky.

My messy mom bun is now nice and polished thanks to my Hair Slinky ties.  The spiral cord design helps hold all the hair in place and allows for quick styling.

I also think that the Hair Slinky makes for a nice piece of arm candy to mix n match with my bracelets.  If you are like me and love to stack your arms with bracelets then the Hair Slinky looks nice with bracelets and doesn't even look like it would be a hair tie.  

Top:  Paired with my Sashka Co bracelets in metallic gold 

Bottom:  gorgeous blue and metallic silver look great paired next to my custom turquoise bracelet with feather charm made by Fawning In Love on Etsy, links below where to find.

Hope you enjoy these amazing hair ties as much as my family and I do, they come in many sizes and colors. I love the metallic ties that blend in with jewelry and of course purple to match my current hair color. Thank you Hair Slinky for these amazing ties to review and my new obsession for hair ties/accessories. 

Peace love and light always xoxo✌🏼❤✨😘
Where to shop:

Prior Blog post and photos of Hair Slinky: 

Where to find accessories in photos:

It's a New Year lots of New things to come

It's a New Year and time for lots of New Blog Posts...

Photos of myself over the passed few years 

For many years now I have been blogging here and it all started with an outlet for my creativity or passions. I was so inspired by so many other bloggers that I wanted to share the things I loved with others even if it only reached a few people or maybe it inspired one or two other ladies. I love to save money and never started blogging to make money or to get free things. I started blogging because I had been so inspired with other ladies blogs and by their amazing style, creativity and content. Having a blog coming up with fresh new content always isn't easy. Sometimes you get caught up in the day to day social media posts of outfits and next thing you know your blog revolves around those selfies and the creativity that first drove you and inspired you sometimes becomes hard to find or see. 

My Creations when I was running Dliteful Creations & Designs, my own party/event planning, decor and home design business.  I not only made cakes and decor but was doing a lot of events, home decor and design work also.  Started totally on my own and had never made cakes or had any training in fondant or cake making.

After being ill for some time and going through some times I was not wanting to deal with, with drama I wouldn't wish on anyone by strangers I learned I had to get back to what I love. Sharing my love for fashion, decor, adventure and photography. I am over my selfies and want to take my photos to another level. I would love nothing more then to have my hubby be this amazing photographer who can spend hours taking photos for me and the outfits I style but he works a job 60 hours plus a week, and he isn't really into photography so on his free days he isn't wanting to shoot endless photos of me in outfits I styled traveling around the area looking for great places to shoot. I have been lucky to meet many photographers,  hair stylists, makeup artists, other stylists and consultants, shop and brand owners and we have all discussed working together but when you are a mom of two girls basically raising them yourself when your spouse works so much it isn't easy. My oldest daughter is talented she is super artistic, creative, loves to draw and paint, makeup and doing makeup. I can persuade her to do my makeup and shoot some photos for me, and even have my 9 year old behind the camera. 

More Creations I made myself from cakes to my famous adult cupcakes infused with alcohol for grown up parties and of course regular cupcakes with fun recipes and combinations of flavors.  Dliteful Creations and Designs photos.

For years I have been talking about my desire to move to NC and the mountains. I have a heart that is in the mountains and craves adventure. Being stuck in one spot living a scheduled almost broken record day to day life Monday through Friday I dream of the day my oldest graduates and I can sell our home, hit the road in our camper, purchase land in the mountains and have my youngest taking online school, teaching her from traveling, sharing my love for art and history with her exploring new places and showing her this amazing country eventually traveling all over the world. It has been a long time dream but settling down young, getting married at 21 having my first child by 22 and then second one at 30 the real boredom vibe and every day life not being what I want in life really hit me around 33. I tried to persuade my hubby to move then but he has a great job. 

Photography has been a long time hobby of mine and when traveling or exploring I always have my camera as well as a macro lens for fun closeup photos.

Sometimes in life you have to give up things to support those you love so I made a compromise with my man, I told him I have been supporting you and the girls for years once our oldest graduates, because I didn't want to pull her out of school and away from her friends mid high school, that once she is close to graduation the house will be put on the market for sale and we will make our plans. My youngest is excited for her adventure. I have had to convince my hubby of it because he feels she will be lonely without daily interactions with children, but she will still have that maybe not daily but she will have even more interactions with people, animals, the world, nature , etc. I feel she will flourish and really be able to become who she is set to be with experiencing so many new places, people, and life experiences. She is also artistic like myself and my oldest theses adventures and  life changes will make it easier for her to explore and network in these fields. 

For many years I debated and even played around with starting my own photography business.  I soon realized that photography was more a hobby and creative outlet for me, I do still take family and portrait photos for friends and family when asked since I have amazing camera and lenses but I love to just take photos of nature while exploring.  I have had many of my photos featured on social media sites, Instagram pages, Clicking Moms blog and IG, and on other blogs that feature photography from IG and FB.

I'm so excited and yes I have a year almost till the adventure will start and we will be looking for a new home, packing, selling the home I thought was our forever till retirement home 9 years ago when we bought it. Till that time there is nothing worse then an idle creative mind, idle hands and an idle heart that wants to roam , craves adventure and new places but I am going to work hard on sharing the things I love the most, mini adventures and travels to share with you all, and launching a new blog with my oldest before she breaks away and starts her life adventure. Hope you will continue to support and visit my blog. Again I love sharing and always am so inspired by so many of you and other bloggers, social media influencers and friends I have met over the years. I want to really bring my dreams to life her and share with all of you. 

I have a portfolio of my photos, canvas prints and framed art of some of our favorites.  I love to be out in nature exploring and stopping to capture panoramic or amazing scenic views or spending some time getting up close and personal with some of natures beauties with my macro lenses or Lens Baby Macro kit. A few of my photos in the collage were taken on my iPhone using the OlloClip macro lens also.

I don't blog for followers, fame, free things, to push products etc, I only review products I am sent and always honestly, some have not gotten reviewed before because I just didn't like them or couldn't find content or inspiration to write about them. Please keep in mind I was working full time, a mom to two who are very busy and have a hubby working all the time so for the last few years I have had very little free time for blogging, producing content that I really truly got to invest the time I so badly wanted to and started to become more a photo collage, sharing my favorite fashions and styles, bargains I found and photos I loved. I have so appreciated everyone's support, kindness, patience, and love. 

I use Nikon D610 and Pentax camera for a lot of my scenic and longview photos, I also have used the Nikon D3100 and some of my vintage cameras too.  iPhone photos are also always mixed in because believe it or not there are sometimes when hiking I have chosen to leave my camera behind to not be weighed down with gear climbing to waterfalls or hiking mountain trails but then have some amazing moment I have to capture and I have found my iPhone takes some amazing quality photos when needed.  I hope to share more of my love for photography, design, decor, crafts and of course fashion this year while spending more time on my content of blog posts.

Excited for growth, changes, sharing my journey with my health, motherhood, my first born graduating and heading off to college, taking my youngest out of the school system and taking her into nature to learn with me. I know it's a year and few months away but I can't wait, till then I have so many new ideas to try and things I want to share with everyone. Thank you for visiting my Cr8tive Wanderlust of decor, photos, fashion and more. If you would like to guest blog or want to swap guest blog stories with me contact me, I would love to share more with others as well as have stories from ladies all over, mom's, wives, grandmothers, stylists, bloggers, influencers, marketers, photographers, writes, designers, boutique owners, entrepreneurs and more.  Let's collaborate, let's support one another, let's empower other women, and let's raise young women that are creative, authentic, kind and future entrepreneurs. 

Peace love and light to all. Xoxo 


All photos taken by me. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Guest Post from Tiffany of Peace, Love and Wine

Guest Post

Today I want to introduce you all to Tiffany, I connected with her on Instagram and love her huge heart, she is such an inspiration.  Below is her guest blog post and collaboration with yours truly.  Be sure to check out her Instagram and other social media pages.   Love her post so many of us can relate to her story I am sure, sadly being bullied myself in High school then many years down the road on social media, there is no reason for this type of behavior but hopefully united as women we can put an end to mean girls and bullies.  Enjoy her post and thank you Tiffany for sharing your story.  Xoxo

@cr8tivewanderlust photo

My Favorite Thing About The New Year Does Not Include High School
"Okay, that was a weird title," you might say. Wait a sec, it will make sense, eventually.

I hated school growing up, except for pre-school. That was my favorite (seriously).  
Yeah, I was the one getting picked on from Elementary School to HS. I got called Bubble Butt and told I was fat in 6th grade and earlier, by boys. Also, what seemed like all of the girls in my class, ganged up against me and wouldn’t play with me at recess.
I still have the devastating letter from my "friends" in Junior High, saying I was annoying and they didn't want to be my friend anymore. They all signed it and gave it to me. 
In high school, I hated myself. So, at least I saved the bullies some extra work by beating myself up first (mentally and emotionally).  I couldn't even enjoy being thin for once in my life because I was so distracted with self-hatred, control over my food, and not being enough.  

(I promise, the story gets happier soon).
Cue Senior Year: I don't know what happened. In the words of Felicia Day, maybe I finally started to "embrace my weird." I was part of the Associated Student Body (ASB) and even had a run off for Secretary (which I didn’t win) against one of the beautiful, popular kids, Jasmine. So, I still consider it a win. I played the supporting role of Gloria in the school play Wait Until Dark and students I didn’t know started recognizing me around campus and saying, "Hey, it's Gloria!"  Should I mention the part about duct taping my boobs down to pull off playing an adolescent? Nah, I'll save that for another post on persistence. 
I turned 36 in November. I think I'm finally starting to learn "how to adult," in the words of this generation’s great American author Lindsay K. Mason.  #soulsistershoutout I may be biased since she’s one of my dearest BFFs. (Check out her first novel Prepared and her entertaining and insightful blog at www.LindsayKMason.com, but wait a sec because I'm not done here).

My mom used to say she never knew what she “wanted to be when she grew up.” She passed away at the age of 49, ten years ago. I love you Mom.  I never felt weird when being my weird self around you. I love that you would do Acro Yoga in the hallway with me, before it had a name, and show me your Jazzercise moves, just to name a couple silly things. Your laugh could be heard a mile away. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know how I want to be remembered. 
I hope people will think of me as kind, inclusive, funny, generous, a little naughty, a great friend and wife…playful...

These are things that inspired the birth of my newborn company Peace, Love, and Wine, and the things I can anchor to when the grind or my attitude gets rough.  Of course, making income is part of the goal. It is a business, after all. But, in the end, it's just money. And, after basic needs are met, money doesn't buy happiness (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3634891/It-s-official-really-t-buy-happiness-People-crave-time-money-satisfied-life.html). When I return to the larger goal of women supporting women, being able to create something so much larger than myself that can give back to the world and fund research for diseases, this is what fuels me.

There were many disappointing, rough things that happened in 2016. But there were also so many amazing things. 
My favorite thing about 2016: Meeting new, amazing women. I attended conferences and events that put me in the same room with female strangers who quickly became supportive, dear friends, Wine Sisters, colleagues, sounding boards...because we are not in high school anymore. We understand that you can't lift each other up if you're breaking each other down into crumbly bits. We are learning how to let our inner mermaids out to splash and sparkle, and to help each other swim when the seas get choppy. For that, (and being done with high school) I am truly, deeply thankful!

Connect with Tiffany here:

Website: Peace, Love and Wine Website - Get 10% off your first order with coupon code WINEWANDERLUST

Instagram: @circusofhumanity and @peaceloveandwineclub
Email: Peaceloveandwineclub@gmail.com

Huge Thank you again to Tiffany for sharing her story here and collaborating with me, you can use the above code to purchase some Peace Love and Wine goodies, like the cute tee I am rocking above then in flat lay below and get 10% off.  Remember we rise by lifting others, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.  If you see someone doing or posting something you don't care for just ignore it and keep moving.  Kindness is something we all need to be throwing around like confetti and if you find yourself being mean or negative to others then maybe take inventory of why you are allowing yourself to feel that way because it is most likely not the person but something deep inside of you causing you to feel that way.  We cannot change others but we can improve ourselves and that is the first step.  Peace, love and light always xoxo. 

photo taken by @cr8tivewanderlust 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Woven Pear Socks

Woven Pear Socks
Receive 20% off using above promo link

Buffalo/Bison socks with Dream Catchers on the bottom.

Woven Pear socks are made of extremely high quality woven cotton.  Every pair is hand dipped and dyed to ensure the perfect pop of color.  They design their brand for women, to make a difference and they wanted to create a brand that empowers women to put their best foot forward.  I love any and all brands that are behind empowering women, and supporting other women super awesome.

Both pairs I now own, after seeing the Buffalo style and wanting to purchase them for sometime I finally ordered a pair, and loved them so much.  I love Buffalo and then it is funny but I have a thing for dreamcatchers and feathers so these are the perfect socks for me.  After seeing the Happy Camper ones were restocked I had to order.

We love nature, camping and being outdoors so these two pears really spoke to me.
Order a pear that speaks to you using my 20% promo link: 

These have to be the cutest, most detailed and comfortable socks I own.

The bottom of every pair has cute details or words.  I am now eyeing the mix tape socks and considering their montly socks box, both my daughters and myself all love cute socks with fun prints.

Love the detail and colors in the prints.  The Happy Camper socks were so adorable in person and I am normally a little frugal with some items, so paying $15 for a pair of socks is why it took me some time to finally order the cute Buffalo socks I saw right before the holidays.  I am going to be honest with you, the prints, details, and quality of the socks are amazing I feel they are totally worth the money now that I have purchased some. Don't hesitate because I own tons of socks and hands down these are the best quality and cutest most comfy Pear I own.  You can get 20% off your first pair using my link http://wovenpear.refr.cc/melissa.  These make great gifts and with these cute themed socks you can't go wrong.  They offer free shipping so at the end of the day I am only sorry I didn't order them sooner and now I really want many other pairs.  

Their monthly socks box comes with 3 pears of exclusively designed socks available only to members.  They only have a limited amount of boxes each month, the cost is only $24.99 which is amazing when one pair retails for $15.  You are saving almost half around 44%.  

Head over to www.wovenpear.com now to check out the amazing variety of styles and prints available, also you can follow them on IG @wovenpair.  Happy sock shopping and here's to having the cutest and most comfy dressed feet around.  Peace love and light always xoxo.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Silver Jeans Co Styles

Silver Jeans Co

In the center the Suki Mid skinny jeans with embroidered details.  All these jeans have the Silver Jeans Co We fit flex denim.  Denim that has just the right amount of stretch to hug your curves and fit your body they way you like.  Silver Jeans Co has some new styles being released for Spring that I can't wait to share with you.  They have the Sam, boyfriend jeans and Kenni, girlfriend jeans.  Boyfriend jeans are designed mid rise, with that comfy slouchy fit like a pair of your boyfriends jeans would have, then the girlfriend jeans have a lower/mid rise that are slightly more fitted in the hips and thighs with a tapered leg.  These new fits are a lot like their prior boyfriend and girlfriend fit jeans just some slight changes.

Their new Avery is for the ladies who love the Suki fit, these were designed with the same curvy fit as Suki but these have a higher waist.  I know the Tuesday jeans have always been a favorite of mine but the older low waist isn't really my go to rise anymore so now keep an eye out for Calley, these have the straight fit a lot like Tuesday jeans but with a mid rise.  Then Silver Jeans has designed the Mazy which is going to be the high waisted version of the Tuesday jeans.  I cannot wait to try both these styles since Tuesday fit were my first love by Silver Jeans Co.

Below are the Berkley Jeans which are similar to the popular Aiko fit with slightly curly fit and shape perfecting low rise.  The leg has a slight straight fit through the thigh and then tapers toward the ankle.  Love these and can't wait to share some photos of them on.  If you ever wanted a higher waist the new Aiko's have been designed with a comfortable mid rise waist now perfect for everyday wear.

I will be bringing you more of the new styles in the weeks to come for Spring.  I just ordered some of the Kenni jeans and will be rocking the Berkley in weeks to come.  I am sure it will only be a few weeks before I have multiple new styles to share with you and some new shorts also.  I was on www.silverjeans.com today and in love with their cute new graphic tops then their new shorts caught my eye.  I am always looking for just the right fit shorts, I have found many styles of jeans I love but shorts are always another story.  

Work Hard, Slay Harder and Pray Hardest graphic tank by Whimsy Fashion, head over to Instagram and follow them @whimsyfashionllc and you can visit their website here: WhimsyFashion.com.  Here I paired my graphic tank with the Berkley Jeans by Silver Jeans Co. 

There's a full moon a rising' Let's go dance in the light.  Flannel is by Gypsy Warrior and paired with my Silver Jeans Co Suki Mid Skinny Jeans.

Have fun checking out the newest styles and fits by Silver Jeans, and be sure to check out Whimsy Fashion too, they have lots of cute and affordable graphic tops for your spring wardrobe.  Peace, Love and Light always xoxo

Ettika Bolo Wrap & Chokers

Ettika Jewelry

Cr8tivewanderlust for 15% off 

Wanna Rock all night Choker by Ettika with beautiful black lace and gold accent.  Love this choker with black suede tie and adjustable back clasp.

You can save 15% off using my link below at www.Ettika.com

This choker goes so good with so many different styles but I really love it with my graphic tees or rocker style tops and jeans.  

Desert Ranch Bolo Wrap with long faux suede, gold details, fringe bottoms and rose quartz center stone.  Love the many ways you can style and wear this piece.  I have it on untied but you can also tie it or wrap it around more/less.  

Graphic tees are by Pam & Gela above and Spell & the Gypsy Collective tank below.

Lovely Loop Bolo wrap with pink and gold accents.  Love the gold bar accent and accent around and at the bottom of the tie.  Great Spring jewelry pieces to add the extra special accent to your outfits and looks.

Happy Shopping and be sure to follow @Ettika on IG.  Peace Love and light always xoxo

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Silver Jeans Suki

Silver Jeans Suki

Silver Jeans Co are my favorite brand of jeans, and if you have followed my blog or social media then you know that for over ten years these have been my go to jeans.  Around 98% of my denim and jeans are made by Silver Jeans Co.  Way prior to becoming an ambassador for the brand I was loving and rocking these styles.  Suki is one of my faves, I love the way they fit and hug the body.  The Suki Mid Skinny is a favorite because mid rise jeans are the perfect in between for the high waisted style or low cut look.  If you aren't a fan of low cut jeans and not really loving high waisted these are perfect.  Silver Jeans Co denim has just the right amount of stretch to avoid having muffin top, or unsightly bulges instead they hug the curves and smooth the body for the perfect silhouette. 

I love distressed jeans and Silver Jeans makes the best ripped and distressed jeans ever.  These particular jeans have reinforced holes with darker denim patches for a great contrast.  The embroidered details really help define the bodies curves and add that little something extra to the jeans so that they can be worn daily for casual or a little dressier occasions.  Throw on a nice blouse or camisole with heels or boots for a night look or a graphic tee with sneakers or sandals for a casual day look. 

Closer look at the details.  Silver Jeans Co never disappoints when it comes to quality, style, selection, and fit as well as little details like this embroidering or the studs on my Tuesday low cropped jeans in black.  Another of many reasons I love Silver Jeans Co.

Be sure to head over to their website and check out the new styles for 2017.  Peace love and light always xoxo

My outfit details, Bison/Buffalo Graphic tee was purchased a couple of years ago from Wooden.Arrow.Shop on Etsy and is made by Enthos.  Necklace is handmade by Fawning in Love on Etsy. Alex and Ani bracelets which you can click the links here on my blog to check out their latest styles and designs.  My strappy Free People inspired ankle boots are from Fall 2015 purchased at Shop Sophie May on IG they are made by Mi.iM and I have many styles of shoes by this brand they are really one of my faves with so many styles that are inspired by higher priced designer looks.  Any outfit or accessory questions always feel free to reach out via IG, a comment below on my blog or my email.  Happy Shopping 

Silver Jeans Co Style Setter

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Silver Jeans Co 2016 Photo & Style faves

Silver Jeans Co 2016 

For pretty much half of my life I have been rocking Silver Jeans. I came across them in my late teens, early twenties when looking for some distressed jeans.  At the time distressed jeans were not as common or easy to find and once I found their Tuesday Low distressed jeans I was hooked.  As I have blogged about for many years now not only are the fit of Silver Jeans amazing but the quality, comfort and selection is amazing.

I love every style from Tuesday, Suki, Aiko, Boyfriend and then some of their newer styles,  the Girlfriend, Elyse and Berkley.  Looking forward to trying out the new Sam also for 2017.

Whether you are looking for something with a skinny fit, flare, boot cut or straight leg you will find the perfect style at www.silverjeans.com

These Flare jeans have the perfect vintage look and feel for styling with graphic tees or even bohemian inspired blouse,

I still love my distressed ripped jeans and Silver Jeans has the best distressed jeans.  They last years, I have my Tuesday low cut jeans from almost 15 years ago and they are still going strong.

Above are the boyfriend jeans, one of my newer fave styles and love the distressed finish.  These are the jeans you will find me in day to day whether running errands, picking the kids up from school or hanging out with my girlfriends.  They are comfy and very stylish.

Suki Mid Skinny jeans with Embroidered details are perfect for date nights or any occasion.  Love to wear these with ankle boots, heels and sneakers.  No matter the occasion they always look fantastic.

Girlfriend jeans are quickly taking over for the boyfriend jeans with the same comfy fit but a little more fitted to show off your curves.  Graphic tee is by Dazey_LA.

As you can see these aren't your moms jeans.  Being almost 40 I am always trying to avoid wearing jeans that make me look my age and Silver Jeans have just the right amount of stretch to them to hug the curves without being to tight as well as they have mid and high waisted for those who don't like the lower cut styles the teens love.  I personally love low, mid and high waisted they all serve for a different look when styling.

Collage of some of my faves from 2016

Flare bottom jeans with exposed button closure fly.  These jeans are my favorite flare jeans for the 70's vintage vibe they give.  Love wearing these with my graphic tees and heels, or boots.  

My closet it pretty much 98% Silver Jeans when it comes to my denim, jeans collection.  I know when investing in a pair of jeans that from previous history with my Silver Co jeans these will last me for years and when I find a fave style or wash I usually grab back up pair in a size lower then my current jeans for when my weight fluctuates or maybe a darker or lighter wash so I always have multiples or a back up pair if one is in need of wash.  

Silver Jeans Co Boyfriend style shorts.  I love every style from jeans, cropped or capri length and shorts.

These Girlfriend Cropped jeans are amazing, another win for Silver jeans when it comes to style and fit.

From my post over the summer, Over a decade of Silver Jeans Co.  These are jeans I have had in my closet for over 10 years, some almost as long as 20 years.  These jeans still fit amazing and look like they did when I got them, or like some jeans they have gotten even better over time.  If you are like me and love a good broke in pair of jeans then these jeans are for you.

Hope you enjoyed some of my favorites from 2016 and beyond by Silver Jeans Co.  Be sure to scroll back on my blog and social media for many photos of all my favorite styles, washes, textures and more by Silver Jeans Co.

Peace love and light always xoxo

Silver Jeans Style Setter