
Monday, January 13, 2014

Holiday decor and crafts

So sorry it has been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been extremely busy pursuing my passions, taking care of my business and most important of all being a mom to my two amazing girls. This year I bit off a lot more than usual and have been learning the best way to find balance and time for myself also.

2014 is going to be an important year for me, I love my baking, event planning and decor business a lot but it is so hard to run solo and I never like to do anything half hearted or have to say no to anyone. My cousin had moved back down here and was helping me out but she let me know that she was heading back north for awhile and isn't sure when she will return. With that being said it is hard to find anyone else I trust enough to work with me and help me with this business. I had been ready to start my photography business but decided to put the on the bam burner and continue to grow artistically and gain more experience first while focusing more on the business I already have established. I will still be making cakes, decor and doing design stuff along with my crafts cause they are all passions of mine, but 2014 I am really going to focus on starting the photography business. 

I have been shooting a lot and working on running shoot specials to build my portfolio. My true passion is landscape and scenic photography, I consider myself more an artist then a photographer but photography has been an amazing outlet for me to show my creative and artistic talents. I will be doing  lifestyle and family portraits as my focus and I prefer outdoor, natural light photography. This will be and include family photos, maternity, engagement, bridal, senior and children portraits. There will be a lot more to come about this after the New Year, along with launching a website and other surprises. I can't wait to share. 

My main focus has been on my daughters and family. This year my youngest started kindergarten and my oldest is in her last year of middle school. My amazing husband has been very busy with work and that means I am extremely busy with my girls. I took on being class mom for my youngest, volunteering a lot at the school, then my oldest is cheering right now so that has my schedule all over going to games and picking her up from practices along with my youngest daughter's schedule it is hectic.

For Christmas we got our daughters a puppy! It is very exciting but also again time consuming. We got them a mini schnauzer, my oldest has bad allergies and they are hypo allergenic and one of the only smaller to mid sized hypo allergenic dogs my hubby liked. She has been an amazing addition to our family. We named her Piper and we have had her a little over a week now, she is amazing. I have never had such a sweet, smart and well behaved puppy in my life. She is already house broken, trained to sit and crate trained. I adore her and this is huge cause I am not a dog person. 

I started my holiday decor the week of thanksgiving. It took me some time because I love the holidays and love to go all out for my girls. I want them to always remember the holidays being very happy times and joyful. We have two large trees along with three smaller trees inside, each of my girls has a tree in their room and I had a small one left over fr my youngest room that she doesn't use now that she has her pink tree that was small enough to use in the kitchen. Every room in my home except my bedroom is Christmas crazy:). 

Below I am posting some of my decor photos along with some photos of some simple easy diy crafts I do every year. I am still working on a wreath made with the handprints of all the children in my daughters kindergarten class, which I am going to give to the teacher, some ornaments made out light bulbs and goody bags for the class.

I made some amazing jars with lights, potpourri, ornaments and berries for the bathrooms, vases from dollar store with ornaments in them, custom snowman wreath (similar to the ones I sell every year), and some other cute ideas.  We also have my grandma's Anna Lee elf that we use as our elf on the shelf that my youngest named Edward:). He has been found in some amazing places or getting into trouble since Dec started and I have some photos below to share. Let me apologize for the photos being all scattered and not labeled cause I am using my iPhone to post this since time is not something I have a lot of and wanted to get a post in before my hectic week begins. I plan to spend a lot of quality time making crafts, doing family things, planning our Christmas Eve party, making desserts, and just enjoying every secondy girls are off for Christmas break. 

Enjoy my photos and I will have more photos, crafts and a post on holiday gift wrapping coming once I get thru this week. I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and winter break. Remember the holidays are all about family and enjoying time with the ones we love. Enjoy every moment and cherish the small things and all the memories. Happy holidays and have a safe New Years:). 

That's just a few and more to come tomorrow night along with some of my wreaths I made this year, the pictured I threw together last minute for myself and didn't have any white lights left so used white garland and colored led mini lights that I love:). They are battery operated and have a timer amazing.

Ending this with a football comment I have been a FSU fan since I was five or six for over thirty years basically and was lucky to be present at the orange bowl when they won a national title years ago, I am over the moon and so proud to be a Seminole fan we have had an amazing season. Winston winning the Heisman and now heading to Pasadena to play for the title, all I have to say is GO NOLES! Couldn't be a happier or prouder fan. 

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