
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Return of the Real Housewives of New Jersey tonight on Bravo

Tonight is the much anticipated return of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.  I like most of the series of Housewives, the only one I have never really gotten into is New York.  I enjoy the Orange County and New Jersey season's the most, but also like Beverly Hills, Atlanta and since I live in South Florida, Miami.  I got to watch the sneak peek last night of the New Jersey opener that airs tonight.  It starts out showing how hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and then goes around with the wives as they check out their vacation homes on the shore of Jersey.  I think Theresa's husband is loving the fact he now is able to get work doing what he use to, construction.  I noticed he was wearing shirts with company name and plugging the company last night when I watched the sneak peek.

They then went on to roll the opening credits and then show Theresa at home with her daughter's cleaning out their closets and rooms.  It appears as though they are getting items together to donate to those who lost everything in the hurricane.  Tonight the full episode airs in a few minutes at 9 p.m.  I hope they wear some cute clothes so I can write up a fashion post.  If I know one of my favorite set of housewives like I think I do they should be wearing a lot of super cute things.  Usually everything is last season, since they tape these shows so far in advance, but this season must be from passed 5-6 months since it started before the holidays and I know they just closed taping not that long ago.  Fingers crossed.  Hope everyone enjoys the opening, I loved Melissa Gorga's Burberry rain boots.  Adorable.  Let me know if there is anything the ladies wore that you love.

Photo from Bravo tv website.

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