
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Peace River Camping

Part one of our family spring break vacation is over and we just got settled into our comfy hotel for 3 days of sight seeing. Peace river was a great time:). We got there Friday night and set up camp. Had a great two nights and dys of camping, canoeing, fishing and more:). We love to travel and try to do things the kids will remember for life. Camping was a great time and we all loved it.

I don't know what my favorite part was would have to say probably just enjoying watching my girls have fun in the outdoors roughing it for a few days:). We were happy to get to our hotel tonight and shower then have a real bed to sleep in. We always try to go somewhere new, Disney is close and it's fun but we usually go for our youngest birthday or we love to go for Christmas to see the decor it is gorgeous.

We also love to go sightseeing one of our favorite vacations was St. Augustine, Amish country in PA and Tennessee over the summer. Tomorrow going to St. Pete to take the girls to the Dali museum:). Can't wait he is my favorite artist and love his work.

Hope everyone is having an amazing spring break and will have more photos soon.

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