
Monday, November 5, 2012

Boxing and kickboxing class

I signed up three weeks ago to start working out at a local gym. They have regular machines, weights but I signed up for the amazing classes. I have done the gym and crossfit but was looking for something with a mix of cardio and strengthening that was fun but worked out every inch of my body. I found it! Boxing/kickboxing class is amazing. They also have Mma and self defense along with boot camp classes that are similar to the crossfit workouts. I find that the boxing and kickboxing is similar to going to crossfit just with an amazing cardio warm up, full body workout punching and kicking then it is finished off with an amazing core/ab workout that I love then cool down.

I have never had more fun in a class, the hour flies by and in just three weeks of going 3-4 times a week I see amazing changes in my body that I never got with crossfit. Yes crossfit made me stronger and was for sure a amazing challenge but I actually gained weight I was building muscle but losing no fat. I am now eating healthy strictly fruit and veggies with protein. No bread, cheese or carbs. Drinking lots of water and loving my be work out. I'm already down 14 lbs and 2-3 sizes looking more tone and feeling more energetic and confident. I look forward to every class.

I can't wait to do a boot camp class they have them mon, wed and Friday am then Saturday morning also. The best part the gym opens at 5:30 am and is open till 10 pm so I have no excuse not to go also my kids can come if I have no sitter and they actually love it. My oldest has taken a couple classes and loves the machines. Haven't brought my little one cause I know she would want to participate and she is too small.

I'm so happy I have found something I love and happy to be getting into errrr shape. I always was thin of anything too thin before then gained weight after a hard rough patch after having my second child, a little post partum depression that I am happy has passed and I no longer take medicine but the medicine caused me to gain some weight and have been struggling to lose it for some time. Now that I have weaned off all my meds I am seeing big changes and all for the best:). I am happy, healthy and looking forward to a new year of promising things:). Anyways off to bed hope everyone has a great week and don't forget if you haven't already voted in the early voting don't forget to exercise our rights and participate tomorrow in voting, not happy with the choices but want to make sure I get my vote in either way. Have a good one xoxo



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    1. Stacie28,

      I love kickboxing, I have tried the gym, yoga, zumba, pole dancing fitness and crossfit. All of them I saw results some sooner then others, some I lost less weight and just gained muscle with toning up, this is everything and more. I also love that you are at the same time learning amazing self defense, something I feel necessary in this day and age. I recently had a bad situation with a very less then sane female who was really a piece of work. I wanted to get into better shape, lose weight and get strength like I have never had. I feel like as a female we are never safe and should always be able to defend ourselves on all levels, especially being a mom. The warm up at my kickboxing/boxing gym is like the workout I use to do at crossfit, then we box, do core training and many other amazing cardio and strength training exercises. I have a new confidence, strength and a ton of energy I never had with any of the other workouts or just joining the gym. I love going and look forward to every class. I have lost weight, toned up, and have been going for almost six weeks now. I joined for 7 months cause they had a deal going on at the time I signed up. It is good cause I get the access to a gym anytime plus they have boot camp classes, kickboxing, boxing, mma and other self defense classes, along with cardio fit, boxing fit and personal trainers. I also like that I can bring my kids with no extra fees for daycare or child care like my old gym. It is amazing, if you do sign up please keep me updated on how you like it. Most places have one free class and you can research the gyms online through google, I did a lot of research before picking the one I joined. All of the trainers are super cool, helpful and whether I take a beginner or higher advanced class they always work with me to make sure I know what to do and to make sure I do not get injured. I am glad my post was helpful for you. I plan to write more about my experience now that I have been going longer along with posts of before, during pics of my changes to my body, write about my energy levels, better sleeping, less anxiety and over all how my self esteem has gotten so much higher. I hope you find a good place and love it as much as me. I use to say crossfit was my favorite but after going on and off for a couple of months I never lost any weight I stayed the same or gained, was building muscle but not losing any fat. Not what I wanted. Maybe later on it would be good for fun cause I do enjoy the workouts but for now I warm up the same way they work out so I am getting the same stuff but more for less money and in a better atmosphere. Good luck and again keep me updated how it goes for you=). I highly recommend it.
