
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Alex & Ani Favorites 2016

I have adored Alex and Ani for a long time now, my mom purchased me a Buddha charm bracelet for Christmas 3-4 years ago and as soon as I saw it I wanted to know who made them, where to get more and the looked them up on social media.  I was surprised I had not seen them before or more of them, all the ladies I work with and then being a blogger I had never heard of them but then in the next couple of months I started noticing them all over and had friends who also had gotten one or two as a gift that same year and loved them.  They are perfect for stacking or mixing and matching.  Alex and Ani is the perfect ingredient for any arm stack, for me they are usually a must in all my stacks.

I am lucky enough to be an affiliate for this amazing brand, you will find a banner in my right side bar and of course posts all through out my blog featuring Alex and Ani Pieces.  I love the brand for all their work with charities and giving back, the recent Lady Liberty Copper bracelets were such an amazing idea and concept.  I love that a piece of the original Statue of Liberty I have been to visit many times is now saved in my ring, charm bracelet and we even got my girls coins for keepsakes.   Every time I think wow I have so many of these bracelets and their jewelry I don't need anymore then they release their new collection or newest styles or designs, I am always in love with several pieces if not all the styles from every collection released lol.  Right now I have a banner up top or in the side bar you can click and go direct to their site and take advantage of their latest sales and promotions.  Thank you for your support always, as the year is coming to an end I am reflecting this amazing year that has passed me and I am looking forward to a new year of new adventures and memories.  I am so thankful to everyone who follows me here, on social media and has been supportive of my passion for sharing fashion, accessories, creative outlets and interior decor along with my beauty and product samples, adventures, health posts and just lifestyle posts, you all have been amazing to me. I would not be able to share my dreams and passions if it wasn't for the people like yourself who take the time to visit my blog, read my posts, like my photos and follow my social media.  I feel honored and blessed always.  I wish everyone a Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas, as well as a wonderful New Years filled with many amazing events and memories.  Peace love and light always XOXO